Top Fintech APIs

List of some of the top APIs in FinTech!

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FinTech APIs

for FinTech Developers
Itโ€™s not so long ago since we saw people lining up hat-in-hand in the banks to apply for loans and mortgages or open bank accounts. However, due to the technological advancements in the last decade, this is no longer the case. Today, Fintech has made it possible for you to open a bank account, invest, and borrow money via the internet or smartphone without physically going to a traditional bank. Fintech, which emerged in the 21st century, was initially applied to technologies linked to the back-end systems of financial systems. However, its employment has been shifted to more consumer-oriented services.

What is FinTech?

Fintech is a combination of two words; โ€œfinanceโ€ and โ€œtechnology.โ€ Fintech is used to describe any company that offers financial services through technology or software. It encompasses any enterprise that uses mobile devices, internet, cloud services, and software technology to perform or provide a connection with financial services. Fintech has made inroads with a variety of apps such as mobile payments, as well as investment and insurance companies.

Fintech is revolutionizing the industry by utilizing technology (such as APIs) to help businesses to lower costs, manage and facilitate finances, as well as assisting institutions in delivering exceptional banking services.

What are FinTech APIs?

The power of Application Programming Interfaces (API) has, for some time now, made our lives more convenient and exciting. And as technology continues to make inroads in various industries, it seems like it will be spearheading the digital revolution in the financial sector.

Since their introduction into the financial sector, APIs have become an integral part of FinTech, and together they are creating cutting-edge and future-proof solutions that deliver an unparalleled experience to end-users. Fintech APIs thus can be viewed as the vast sets of prepackaged protocols and instructions that enable developers in the finance industry to connect their solutions with other intuitive platforms and deliver a unified experience for the end-user.

What are the most interesting FinTech startups?

If you are interested in understanding the impact of Fintech in the financial industry, here are exciting FinTech firms and startups you should look out for:

  • Stripe - This is an Irish technology that rivals another Fintech company (PayPal) by making it possible for businesses and individuals to receive payments online.
  • Patreon, Kickstarter, and GoFundMe are crowdfunding platforms that allow businesses to pool funds from a variety of sources all in one place.
  • Adyen - This technology company provides enterprises with a single solution that allows them to accept and make payments from around the world.
  • Robinhood - This smartphone app permits individuals to invest in exchange-traded funds on the US exchanges and publicly traded companies.

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